Saturday, November 7, 2009

Last Night I Sang to the Monster

I finished Last Night I Sang to the Monster this afternoon and it was a fantastic work.
I will put this disclaimer on it: it is a time consuming, all involving read. It's not like you can read it and do something else at the same time (like watch college football, for example). You have to dedicate. But it is worth it. It is amazing.

Zach is our main character. He is in a rehab facility of some kind when the novel begins. We know that he has had some past relationship with bourbon, but as to what else is going on with this kid...we are left in the dark. Zach himself is in the dark, or is choosing to "not remember" his past.

As Saenz unveils his plot, we are left with an absolutely stunning vision of forgiveness, finding family, and learning to understand that where we came from can contribute to where we are going.

It is gut wrenching and unflinching. Zach's journey is a long time coming and is a painful revelation...but well worth seeing through to the end.

I highly recommend this title.
Obviously, not everyone will have the same life experiences as Zach, but I think that all readers will be able to take something away from Saenz's poetic writing.
Job well done!

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