Saturday, May 29, 2010

Baby Reading

Well, I thought there wouldn't be a lot of time to read with our new little one.
However, since I'm a human vending machine, there has been plenty of time to hit the stacks.
I've been reading a lot of magazines, primarily parenting tips and the like. I want to make sure Wyatt has every advantage. :)

I've also been reading plenty of parenting books.
The Babytalk Insider's Guide to Your Baby's First Year has been particularly helpful. It gives real advice that matches up with all of the theories out there. It's helped me make sense of what is what, the myth vs. the reality, so to speak...

I polished off On Becoming Babywise, but I can't seem to get myself on a schedule, so I'm not sure it's going to work so well. My cousin swears by it, as do one million parents worldwide *according to the book. The jury is still out for the Cassady's, though.

And then there has been the reading for fun.

Susane Colasanti, one of my favorite authors, put out a new book - Something Like Fate. It's a love triangle gone wrong. When Lani falls in love with her best friend's boyfriend, she knows that things won't end well. When it turns out that Jason likes her back, they are both headed for trouble. Will Erin and Lani still be friends when things shake out?
Read it to find out!

My other favorite author, Elizabeth Scott, wrote a book called The Unwritten Rule. Oddly enough, it is about a love triangle gone wrong...among best friends, as well.
Even though the two books share the same general plot, each author does a great job of writing complex characters that you can sympathize with...even if they are the bad girls. :)

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