Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hot Lunch

So I recently (as in....two hours ago) finished reading Alex Bradley's most recent book, Hot Lunch.
Here is a link to Alex's blog http://iamalexbradley.blogspot.com/....while he claims (on his blogsite) not to be a god, I seriously disagree.

I think what I most appreciate about Alex Bradley is witty writing. There are these great lines buried in the text, so you can't just skim the work, you really have to read it through to find these wonders. Truly funny.

Hot Lunch is about two girls who share a bit of...animosity, shall we say. One thing leads to another in the food fight realm, and the next thing they know, they are in charge of lunch duty. They have to serve and prepare the Hot Lunch selection at their school.
Through their preparations, research, and time together, the girls branch out and make some friends, as well as learn quite a bit about nutrition.

Which brings me to my next point: Alex Bradley has some great facts in the "notes" section at the end...that will help teens who are interested in food and healthy eating learn more and empower themselves about dietary decisions.

Not only did I get a cute story about friends, but I also got a cleverly shrouded lesson in nutrition. Bravo, Alex Bradley...Bravo!!

Read this....Buy it for your middle and high school libraries.
And while you're purchasing, check out 24 Girls in 7 Days. The title will intrigue the kids, at least it has in my library, and you will have another great Alex Bradley masterpiece!!

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