Friday, February 3, 2012

When She Woke

Hillary Jordan's first novel, Mudbound, was very moving. If you haven't read that one yet, you'll want to look into it.
Her newest novel, When She Woke, is an interesting concept. A modern day Scarlet Letter, our main character, Hannah Payne has gotten involved with a famous minister...who is married. But when convicted of a crime in her society, your skin is dyed a color indicating your crime level.
Hannah, a very sweet girl who has lived a sheltered life, has just woken up - her skin is red. Everyone knows her shame. How will she adapt to a society that has such obvious hostility towards her? Especially since she wouldn't name her lover.
Jordan has some subplots that are pretty complicated, rivaling Hannah's story - but it is interesting to think about what would happen in a society like this.
As a funny side note, a portion of the story takes place in Lakewood. Haha!

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