Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gone Girl

We start with a wayward husband, a missing wife, and a crime scene that doesn't bode well. And here is the thing -as the husband starts missing his wife and reminiscing - all the things described in part one made me want to be better about my own marriage. Just little things that two people, over time, take for granted. So I am reading this novel, dead sure that the wife is gone and this husband will lament their lost time together forever.
Until you realize that Gone Girl might just relate to this missing/presumed dead wife's mental status. Part two unfolds and your realize that you don't even know half of the story. Part two is all her story. It takes you from being pensive about your marriage, to being dang happy that you found the mate that you did (at least in my case).
By the time part three unfolds, I was convinced I should get wife of the year. The journey author Gillian Flynn takes us on is terrifying and riveting. I could not put this book down. When I finally finished it, I recommended it to everyone I knew, including my book club, because I needed to talk about it with some other ladies. I-N-T-E-N-S-E!
Read it!

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